üpai Nung Shing Vaishi Yangnyu Shoühba. (The One Who Gave His Life For You)
By Team eGospelüpai Nung Shing Vaishi Yangnyu Shoühba. (The One Who Gave His Life For You) Kahvangi kahdoknyü Büpa an shi lingtüke.…
Tohbü Nyih nüng Meli Nyuhen? (Where will You Spend Your Eternity)
By Team eGospelTohbü Nyih nüng Meli Nyuhen? (Where will You Spend Your Eternity) Halei yimpila hük, nyih hük pü hepak kü,…
Chingmei nüngmü/Nungmu chingmei (Peace Unto You)
By Team eGospelChingmei nüngmü/Nungmu chingmei (Peace Unto You) Chingmei- Vang mü shah appeyü mushük vüngnyang pü shah jükang. Kahdoknyümillions shennyak longi hapa…
Nüng ü hayoha ja ei toh lang bü hük hih (You Are Someone Special)
By Team eGospelNüng ü hayoha ja ei toh lang bü hük hih (You Are Someone Special) Ngei muchem laihük e pushang.Ngei…
Dihen shing vaishe nyüpü yangnyu (live to Die/ No live for Ever)
By Team eGospelDihen shing vaishe nyüpü yangnyu (live to Die/ No live for Ever) Kahdoknyu kü science homei lemphu li küshi shah…
Jisu-i Bamnyeih Jisu-i Shauh Nyeih (Jesus loves Jesus Help)
By Team eGospelJisu-i Bamnyeih Jisu-i Shauh Nyeih (Jesus loves Jesus Help) Amphong nyiüpünang pü hatü hanggovih kopü thü ngei touei peikei…
Nungei men laitüb i nyangei nyüla (Is Your Name Registered?)
By Team eGospelNungei men laitüb i nyangei nyüla (Is Your Name Registered?) Nung müchem kahdoknyu lei peibüshang nungei nyui pai nüngei…
Meihupeyu nungei (Healing is yours)
By Team eGospelMeihupeyu nungei (Healing is yours) Shennyak hük ei mophimo, kehikon hatü napüpeü nyu lang mao, büpalei yangnyu kümongong , nyioshemmei,…
Kahvangi Nüngkü Bamnyeih (God Loves You)
By Team eGospelKahvangi Nüngkü Bamnyeih (God Loves You) Nüngkü üami longi Bamnya, nüng-i nyingei nyüla? Hapüyü jeiyong shempüba Jenlüngpu.(Shakei Vampü:1:8) (kahbhao 1:26,27:2:7…